Welcome to the

Oak Avenue & TCUSD Elementary Instrument Music website!

We are excited to offer Elementary Band & Orchestra for the upcoming 2024-25 school year!

Registration is now closed!

First Lesson

Click on your class to find the exact Day/Time

Advanced Band & Orchestra

Week of August 26

Week of September 2

Beginning Band & Orchestra

Week of September 2

Missed the Beginning Band & Orchestra Parent Meeting?

Check out the slides from the meeting!

Beginning Band & Orchestra Lessons start the week of September 4!

Please email Mr. Smith or Mr. Taylor with any questions!

Elementary Beginning Music - Parent Orientation 2024-25

Benefits of Music Lessons

These are unprecedented times and our kids need activities to participate in more than ever. Joining one of our outstanding Performing Arts Ensembles will give your student opportunities that will help them in countless ways.